ADW Launcher 2 Android APK

Download ADW Launcher 2 for Android However, we have read a lot about Google's recommendations regarding misuse of application options and settings, and we have talked a lot about them. But since the ability to speak does not make us intelligent, we have done just the opposite. As you know, without freedom of choice there is no creativity. The operator is boring.

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Download ADW Launcher 2 for free

Download ADW Launcher 2 for Android

Download ADW Launcher 2 for Android However, we have read a lot about Google's recommendations regarding misuse of application options and settings, and we have talked a lot about them. But since the ability to speak does not make us intelligent, we have done just the opposite. As you know, without freedom of choice there is no creativity. The operator is boring.

You may also be thinking “I find your excessive composition annoying” and we don't blame you! It's a completely normal reaction. I think you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids will love it. In the end, the possibility of configuring it to your liking is approximately 3720 to 1, which makes it the best launcher because math never lies. appsfire

And yes, we have screens, and icons? Of course, uh and we also have widgets, what else?, what else?, actually, you can create your own widgets. And if you prefer everything to be pre-designed, use themes! Or widget and model packs! Is your device's desktop boring? Change it back Sam. Your style, your rules, do it. Whether or not there is a setting for it, adjusting it, changing it, shaking it, not moving it.

And remember: "There is no such thing as unknowns, only choices within ADW settings."

Will you miss her?

Endless functions in ADW Launcher 2

Most of the app has been reprogrammed and redesigned from scratch. We've also added many new features. Here are some of them:

Android 7.1 launcher shortcuts support (limited support in previous versions up to 5.x)

A new section for icon effects has been added. You can choose photo filters and combinations. amazing!!!

Colorize dynamic UI using wallpaper colors.

A new way to manage screens. Press and hold an empty area of the desktop.

A new way to add widgets and shortcuts.

A new way to change the wallpaper, lock/unlock the desktop or access settings. Press and hold an empty area on the desktop and choose the option.

Added swipe app drawer style.

Added indexed swipe app drawer style.

Added some desktop transitions.

A new section has been added to configure icon badges.

A visual mode has been added to configure desktop options, icon appearance, folder appearance and app drawer.

Added option to change top panel/widget.

Added option to change bottom panel content type (core/widget).

A new wrapped folder mode has been added to folders. This mode allows you to launch the first application in the folder by tapping on it and view the contents of the folder by swiping up.

Added new quick search for apps in the app drawer.

Improved app categories in the app drawer.

Improved way to manage user gestures.

Improved way to apply internal and external themes.

Improved context menu for all desktop objects.

A new custom widget object has been added. You can add new custom widgets from the widgets list, import them from friends and other developers, and create, edit, and share your own widgets.

Added some initial additions to custom widgets (weather/battery)

Check out the ADWEExtensions package for more add-ons (Weather, Gmail, etc.).

Template manager added. Easily remove, add and share templates.

Improved the icon properties dialog.

Improved folder properties dialog.

Backup manager added in Settings/Advanced System. You can now import data from other popular launchers (if we missed one, let us know so we can include it).

Added the ability to assign a secondary action to desktop shortcuts. Swipe up on the desktop shortcut to perform the secondary action.

Maybe I forgot 2 or 200 things.

Lots of wobbly and wobbly things inside!

What's new in ADW Launcher 2

  • Final version of ADW Launcher for devices with android < 2.3.x.
  • Get a new device.
  • Update privacy information.


Launcher launchers Screen customization