ALDLdroid Android APK


Download ALDLdroid for Android ALDLdroid is an app for the GM OBD1 ECM (ALDL). It currently supports 160 baud and 8192 baud protocols. Supports TunerPro (ADX) files, just make sure you have an ADX file that matches the appearance of your ECM code before purchasing the app. You will also need to make sure that your ADX file is not encrypted because the application cannot read it. You will need to copy the ADX file to the ADX directory of the ALDLdroid folder on the SD card once you launch the app for the first time and create the folder structure. Make sure your Android device has external storage (maybe an SD card).

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Download ALDLdroid for Android

Download ALDLdroid for Android ALDLdroid is an app for the GM OBD1 ECM (ALDL). It currently supports 160 baud and 8192 baud protocols. Supports TunerPro (ADX) files, just make sure you have an ADX file that matches the appearance of your ECM code before purchasing the app. You will also need to make sure that your ADX file is not encrypted because the application cannot read it. You will need to copy the ADX file to the ADX directory of the ALDLdroid folder on the SD card once you launch the app for the first time and create the folder structure. Make sure your Android device has external storage (maybe an SD card).

There is also a tuning section that also uses TunerPro (XDF) files to allow editing of BIN files. Real-time tuning is currently supported. I've had very little feedback about it, so there may be some issues here and there. Other than that, it is compatible with Moates Ostrich and Moates AutoProm devices. Chip programming is also possible using Moates BURN1 / BURN2 hardware.

Currently, communication with the ECM can be done using Bluetooth or USB (FTDI). Make sure that your Android device supports one of the two connection methods. USB host mode is only available on Android 3.0+ and not all devices support it. Note that the presence of a USB port on your Android device does not automatically mean that it supports USB host mode.

Double-clicking on any page of the panel enters panel editing mode. This mode allows full customization (add/edit/remove) of dashboard indicators. You can easily drag the indicators where you want them. You can also add indicators in any format you want: indicator, basic readout, bar chart, or histogram. The alarm can be set by simply entering the value set to trigger the alarm, the indicator may turn red and/or the Android app may vibrate.

What's new in ALDLdroid

  • Dropbox Core API SDK updated from 2.1.2 to 3.0.3
  • Fixed incorrect display of ADX hex values in dashboard and data log files
  • Correctly escape characters in CSV data log files to avoid problems
  • Added a bunch of new ADX files to help new users get started faster (thanks to John Wales @ 1320 Electronics)
  • Avoid crashing into the Other Commands section when the screen macro is not defined in the ADX file
  • Added "Snap to Grid" option when editing indicators on the dashboard to make positioning easier


Edit BIN files make contact Dashboard GPS