AppBrain Ad Detector Android APK


Download AppBrain Ad Detector Free your phone from potential spyware and ads! This app detects all the annoyances of

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Download AppBrain Ad Detector Free

Download AppBrain Ad Detector Free your phone from potential spyware and ads! This app detects all the annoyances of apps installed on your phone such as push notifications, spam appsfire ads on desktop icons, apps with privacy issues or spyware. It recognizes adware and then allows you to remove apps that violate your privacy.

Download AppBrain Ad Detector

- Help you get rid of annoying ad notifications and bookmarks on your desktop.

- Find out which apps have permissions to access your messages or accounts and therefore may violate your privacy, or may use services that may cost you money, and help you delete them.

This app discovers more than 70 different aspects of apps including:

Issues like push notifications (both ads and non-ads), displaying spam icons on your desktop, and privacy issues like Download AppBrain Ad Detector being able to access your location, contacts, messages, or accounts.

- Android ad networks; This app tells you about ad networks built into the apps, such as Admob, Millennial Media, ChartBoost, TapJoy, and many smaller networks. Indicates which ones can have push ads.

- social SDKs; Detect if apps have SDKs like Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, etc.

development tools; Discover libraries like Google Analytics, Flurry Analytics, Google Play In-App Billing, Android Support Library, ACRA, Phonegap and many more.


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