bike-computer-pro-v-8-5-2-apk-patched Android APK

Application description One of the best programs for cycling or other outdoor activities.

1/10 (1 Votes)

Bike Computer Pro V 8.5.2 APK Patched

Application description

One of the best programs for cycling or other outdoor activities.

This professional version has all the features you need:

BikeComputer Pro's voice feedback informs you of average speed, current location, remaining distance on the trail, climbing speed, heart rate, training area, when you lose track and other information, plan a route plan!

Click anywhere on the map where you want to go.

BikeComputer Pro will calculate the route using distance, altitude and terrain providing you with the route to follow while driving Adjust the GPS sensitivity as desired, which means you can specify the time interval at which the GPS value is updated

Advantages :

- Ant+ and Bluetooth power meters

- Support for Ant+/Bluetooth heart rate, cadence, speed and temperature sensors (Ant+ only)

- Simple route setup: Create routes in just a few steps

- New account when leaving the planned route (BikeComputer Premium required)

- Allows you to use multiple offline map files at the same time

- Pause, restart or continue any session, also after restart / battery replacement

Android watch support


Use of multiple map files Click anywhere on the map Android watch support speed sensors power meters