BT2WhatsApp Android APK


New update WhatsApp Pink Penguin WhatsApp Plus and download all versions of WhatsApp Pink Penguin BT2WhatsApp latest version with great features, attractive shape and very giant additions

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Download WhatsApp Pink Penguin Latest update BT2WhatsApp Download WhatsApp Penguin against the ban

* A new update for all versions of WhatsApp, the Pink Penguin, BT2WhatsApp, the latest version, with great features, attractive shape, and very giant additions

WhatsApp Golden Penguin

WhatsApp Blue Penguin

WhatsApp Pink Penguin

Whatsapp Penguin

WhatsApp database update
Added the group messaging feature in a new way with the same old layout
Adding new interfaces including One UI Design
Adding a new default theme (day / night)
Adding a function to hide archive messages (Home Screen> Fonts)
Adding various options to the button Floating inside chats (you can change the color and hide the button)
Add new designs for Instagram cases
The navigation effects feature has been added
Add a function to create a group video chat (from the Calls tab, then press the floating button below the Delete Call Log button
Added option to display the name of the administrator in groups
Option Added to disable show more
Add official WhatsApp icon
Add Urdu language
Auto copy function integration is enabled
Add a function to hide unimportant, recent and visible statuses A
new design has been added to the method of adding Instagram style status.
You can now forward messages to more than 1000 people
New design for patterns of the bottom navigation bar WhatsApp Pink Penguin
Add an option to change the ringtone for incoming and outgoing messages (Additions and Features> Notifications)
Add an option to change the tone of voice recording start and stop (Extras and Features> Notifications)
Add a function to display quick chats and add an option to change the chat site
A new question layout has been added when the options are activated (airplane mode, day / night mode)
The automatic name has been added in the top bar if it is Too long
will give the fly button a pulse if enabled
Add color options for Instagram instances
Add a new look to the floating button with the ability to hide and show the button from Extras and Features> Chat Screen
Increase the number of capital letters to more than 700 characters.
Added translation feature
Please note the translation feature within conversations that must be installed (Google Translate)
Resolves an issue where the image does not appear next to the media bubble in groups
Resolves an issue where the Fly button and day / night mode do not disappear on the Groups page.
Crash issue when using automatic reply and message scheduling Fixed
an issue where changing the lower platform mode when entering the chat screen and then into the lower platform mode
Troubleshooting the bottom navigation bar in the Arabic language interface
Other fixes

WhatsApp database update
The group messaging feature has been added in a new way with the same old layout
Addition of new interfaces including One UI Design
Add a new default theme (day / night)
Add a function to hide archive messages (Home Screen> Fonts)
Add various options to the floating button within chats (you can change the color and hide the button)
Add new Instagram status designs
Navigation Effects feature has been added
Add a function to create a group video chat (from the Calls tab, then tap the floating button under the Delete Call Log button
Added option to display admin name in groups
Added option to disable show more
Add the official WhatsApp icon
Add Urdu language
Auto copy function integration is enabled
Add functionality to hide unimportant, recent, and visible statuses
A new design has been added to the method of adding Instagram style status
You can now forward messages to over 1000 people
New design for bottom navigation bar styles
Add an option to change the ringtone for incoming and outgoing messages (add-ons and features> notifications)
Add an option to change the start and stop tone of audio recording (Extras and Features> Notifications)
Add a function to display quick chats and add an option to change the chat site
Added new question layout when options are activated (Airplane mode, Day / Night mode)
Auto name added in top bar if too long
Addition of the fly button will give a pulse if enabled
Add color options for Instagram instances
Add a new look to the floating button with the ability to hide and show the button from the additions and features> chat screen
Increase the number of uppercase characters to over 700 characters.
Added translation feature
Please note the translation feature within the conversations that must be installed (Google Translate)
Resolves an issue where the image does not appear next to the media bubble in groups
Resolves an issue where the Fly button and Day / Night mode did not disappear on the Groups page.
Crash issue when using auto reply and message scheduling
Fixed an issue where the lower platform mode was changed when entering the Chat screen and then the lower platform mode
Troubleshoot the bottom navigation bar in the Arabic language interface
Other fixes

Watts Pink Penguin

* Fixes : - *

* [Solution] * The problem is that the app is a virus on Huawei phones.
* [SOLVED] * The problem of tremor of speech for some.
* [Solution] * Lock function for some devices.
* [Solution] * Four numbers of the person who saw the case appear, and the person’s name appears.
* [SOLVED] * Problem with extracting my name from the word bt2whatsapp⇝.
* [Solution] * The problem of delaying sending messages to others.
* [Solved] * The translation problem.

Whatsapp Penguin

* The most prominent features of the previous update: - *

Whatsapp Pink Penguin

* [Feature] * Forward message to more than 5 people.
* [Feature] * Prevent someone from adding you to groups {Settings / Account / Privacy / Groups}.
* [Feature] * Show instances through chats like Instagram to activate (pink penguin additions / home screen / top bar).
* [Feature] * Open each conversation as an activation card (Penguin WhatsApps pink / more settings).
* [Addition] * Switch between ten accounts and ten numbers within WhatsApp and switch between them easily.
* [Addition] * Job explanation to change 10 accounts.
* [Addition] * Alkasir VPN proxy function for WhatsApp blocked countries you can turn on VPN and connect easily.
* [Addition] * WhatsApp drop effects function (hearts, bubbles, lights, leaves, snow, roses, rain, balls)) (to activate, add add-ons and pink penguin effects).
* [ADD] * Full screen for long messages without a word Read more.
* [Add] * An element to erase WhatsApp waste as it was in the previous form and add all the previous design elements.

WhatsApp Pink Penguin Whats app Pink Penguin