Buildcraft Android APK


Download Buildcraft Buildcraft is a Lonfinite-World Block Sandbox game. Buildcraft With its true multiplayer functionality, you can build a world the way you want.

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Download Buildcraft for free

Download Buildcraft Buildcraft is a Lonfinite-World Block Sandbox game. Buildcraft With its true multiplayer functionality, you can build a world the way you want.

Interactive tutorial for new hands, leads to learning to build and craft!

Beautiful multiplayer servers!


Buildcraft Features:

► WORK WORK, DIG AND BUILD In the infinite voxel uptodown world, craft items from raw materials to help you along the way;

► Simplistic Modding API that supports many types of game additions and modifications;

► Multiplayer support for dozens of players, on servers or local Wi-Fi;

► Voxel-based lighting with gameplay implications (light caves and buildings with torches);

► Virtually infinite world and beautiful map generator.


Buildcraft SandBox sandbox world building games sandbox experimental mod menu