Picasso - Draw, Paint, Doodle! Android APK


Download Picasso Let your creativity run wild with Picasso: draw, paint, doodle. Decorate your photos with hearts, smileys and comments.

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Download Picasso - Draw, Paint, Doodle! Free

Download Picasso Let your creativity run wild with Picasso: draw, paint, doodle.

Decorate your photos with hearts, smileys and comments.

Attach Sharp. Paint the castle in the background.

Download Picasso

Or doodle your way to abstract art.

***Try the exclusive brush preview mode! You can preview appsfire exactly what the brush size and effect looks like before painting.

When choosing a brush or eraser, use the preview panel in the middle to freely test how it looks before clicking OK***

SPOID In the brush color picker, touch and drag to the color you want. When you release your finger, the brush color changes!

* Pinch to zoom for all devices with Android 3.0 or higher.

*5 for restoration including undoing background color change (this will erase your current drawing when you change background. Use Undo to get it)

* Upload your own photo from the gallery or continue your old drawing by uploading it from the Picasso menu

***PUSH to get download, save and share options***

* Try our super fun random glow mode! Use them together for double the fun~! (best with a black background)

* Fun to use and easy to master.

* Share your masterpiece using Facebook, Tweet, Email and more. (Requires this app to be installed on your device)

* **Tap menu to download, save, share options***


Draws Paint Doodle It Picasso