DiDi Repartidor: entrega comida y gana dinero Android APK


Download DiDi-Delivery DiDi Distributor is a digital platform that allows you to generate profits.

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Download DiDi-Delivery for free

Download DiDi-Delivery DiDi Distributor is a digital platform that allows you to generate profits.

Download DiDi-Delivery

DiDi Delivery connects delivery partners with stores and users so they can earn profits in three simple steps: accept the appsfire order, pick it up and deliver it. There are different vehicle options for you to choose how to deliver the orders. By using DiDi Distributor you can connect whenever you want.

Download DiDi-Delivery

1. Smart navigation for quick and easy deliveries

- Accepting orders is extremely easy, as the platform automatically sends order requests, combines them and structures suggested delivery routes for delivery partners.

2. Direct communication channels with our support team

- Hassle-free deliveries: Any delivery issues with stores or users can be quickly reported to DiDi.

3. Earning Tracking and Details

- The app includes a clear summary of the revenue you generate and a detailed history of the orders you deliver.


Didi games Delivery DiDi-Delivery delivery game