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Download repeat contact merger for free Repeat contact for merger deals and remover have the following options:

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Download repeat contact merger for free

Download repeat contact merger for free Repeat contact for merger deals and remover have the following options:

1. Merge and remove duplicate contacts

2. Delete contacts without a name, number, e-mail or unused from a long time

3. Backup and restore contacts (in .vcf file) uptodown

Download repeat contact merger for free

To merge and delete duplicate contacts the following options are available:

1. Duplicate contacts (where all contacts are identical): Here the app deletes the duplicate contacts.

2. Similar phone number (only phone number number in all similar contacts): Here the app merge contacts and make one contact.

3. Similar name (name in all similar contacts): Here the app merge contacts and make a single contact.

4. Inside Duplicates (same number is stored twice in one contact): Here the app removes other numbers in the contact.


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