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Download BUBBLE BOBBLE classic Classic arcade game with the main character "Bubblun" to capture and defeat enemies with bubbles.

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Download BUBBLE BOBBLE classic for free

Download BUBBLE BOBBLE classic Classic arcade game with the main character "Bubblun" to capture and defeat enemies with bubbles.

Download BUBBLE BOBBLE classic

Able to move left and right on the screen, uptodown press fire and jump buttons to play.

[game feature]

Shoot bubbles easily with the auto-shoot feature.

- Able to get extra life by collecting E, X, T, E, N, D alphabet bubbles.

- Able to get extra scores from burgers, hot dogs, sushi, bananas and ice cream after defeating all enemies on the stage.

- Skull monsters will appear and chase if the player cannot complete the stage within a certain amount of time.

- Able to change original aspect ratio or full screen in settings.

- The super game is available after completing the normal game.

- Achievement support and classification.

Download BUBBLE BOBBLE classic

- Yellow Candy: Bubble blowing speed increases.

Pink Candy: Increase the range of blown bubbles.

- Blue Candy: Increases bubble flight speed.

- Red Boots: Bubblun's movement speeds have been increased.

[special bubble]

- Water Bubbles: A special bubble that shoots water to defeat enemies.

- Fire Bubbles: A special bubble that drops and makes multiple fires.

Lightning Bubbles: A special bubble that can be blown horizontally to defeat enemies.


- Holy Water: Defeat all enemies on screen, available to get extra scores in limited time.

- Parachute: allows you to jump in several stages. Depends on the color of the parachute, the jumping steps are different.

- Magical Crew: All the bubbles remaining on the screen will turn into food, and a large amount of food will also drop.

- Sky Blue Ring: Able to get extra points every time Bubblun moves.

Heart Shack: Transforms into an indomitable Bubblun that defeats enemies.

- Magic necklaces: the luminous ball bounces around the stage, defeats the enemies.

- Clock: monsters freeze in a certain time.

