WebDAV Navigator Android APK

WebDAV purchaser for Android gadgets. Add and skim your WebDAV servers. Download documents and keep them domestically.

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WebDAV purchaser for Android gadgets.

Add and skim your WebDAV servers.

Download documents and keep them domestically.

Full folder sync help

Download complete folders

Select and down load more than one documents from far off servers

View all supported document sortsintegrated-in.

Upload photographs from the gallery

Upload photographs from the digital digicam

Upload any documents from the SDCard

Email nearby documents as attachments

Rename, Delete and Move documents

Zip folders, Unzip documents

UnRAR neighborhood documents


Built-integrated-in browser to down load documents from web sites

Built-integrated-in Markdown viewer

HTTP 302 or 307 redirect aid

Basic textual content editor for nearby documents

Multiple document choice on neighborhood garage documents

Authentication popup if builtintegrated-information are not saved

Select and down load a couple of documents from far flung servers

Record audio documents integrated-in neighborhood garage

Set the down load place

Built-integrated-in ePUB reader (non DRM)

Sort record lists through call, length or date

Slideshow view to swipe among photos on your present day folder

Thumbnail view of nearby photographs (far flung assist comintegrated-ing quickly!)

Currently helps Digest, Basic and Wintegrated-indows Authentication, together with self signed certificate.

Supports connections on non-wellknown ports through integrated-inintegrated-inwhich builtintegrated-includes the port variety integrated-inwithbuiltintegrated-inside theintegrated-in URL e.g. http://builtintegrated-instanceintegrated-in.org:8088/webdav... for English, German, Japanese, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Swedish, Portuguese, Dutch and Chintegrated-inese

Permission Usage:


The app integrated-inconsists of the cappotential to view KML and GPX documents on a Google Map.

Google maps has the capacity to plan your region at the map.

The app does not use or report your vicbuiltintegrated-inityintegrated-in itself.


The app has a characteristic to report audio like a voice recorder which you may then add on your servers.


The app calls for get entry to to apply the community so one can connect with your server


The 7fd5144c552f19a3546408d3b9cfb251 browser lets builtintegrated-in you to pick out out of your most important browser bookmarks so you can navigate fast to the webweb sites you need to. Usintegrated-ing the 7fd5144c552f19a3546408d3b9cfb251 browser you could down load documents from regular web sites integrated-into your nearby garage location.


The app shops documents at the sdcard whilst you down load them.