Secret Diary : My Personal Lock Diary Android APK


Download Secret Diary Enter a world you can only discover. Share your rooms with many features.

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Download Secret Diary : My Personal Lock Diary for free

Download Secret Diary Enter a world you can only discover. Share your rooms with many features.

What do you think, how do you feel, what is going on in your life? Capture your day in this special place!

Download the secret diary

Use images, text, and voice notes that reflect your mood. We will back up your data, no one will be able to hack your phone.

Features of Download Secret Diary

- All your uptodown entries are saved in encrypted form.

- Stylish interface, easy to use and fun.

- Choose from group category or add new category.

- Remember extra special days with an easy to use bookmark.

- Create and name as many pages as you want for each day.

- Add unlimited audio recording.

- Reminder function by notification.

- See the table.


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