Shams al-Ma'arif Android APK


Shams al-Ma'arif wa Ta'if al-'Awarf is a magical book from the thirteenth century that deals with Arabic magic and is also a guide to realizing deep spirituality. It was written by Ahmed al-Bunni of Ayoub of Egypt, who died around 1225 AD.

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Shams al-Ma'arif wa Ta'if al-'Awarf is a magical book from the thirteenth century

that deals with Arabic magic and is also a guide to realizing deep spirituality. It was written by Ahmed al-Bunni of Ayoub of Egypt, who died around 1225 AD.

Shams al-Ma'arif al-Kubra or Shams al-Ma'arif wa Ta'if al-Awarf, a manuscript book used in magical works, forbidden by Islam belongs to Ai Ahmad ibn Ali. Al-Bunni died in 622 AH. Some of the themes have been cut and twisted recently, but the book still includes many non-obvious magical issues. The first volume of 577 pages was printed in the Beirut Popular Library in 1985, except for the inclusion of Abd al-Qadir Al at the end. In addition to the four letters written by al-Husayni al-Azami, they are:

The purpose of the balance of justice in the sand

Fatih desires the privacy of the planet.

Spirea in the Chinese zodiac.

The reference symbol in the attribute at the beginning of the Sun of Great Knowledge is associated with elves and magic, a book banned by many Islamic countries due to the preparation of the text it contains.


A guide to realizing deep spirituality. Unclear magic issues Banned by many Islamic countries The book of the sun of knowledge Associated with elves and magic