Developer Assistant Android APK


Download Developer Assistant for Android, a powerful debugging app for Android. Developer Assistant makes debugging native Android apps as simple as debugging web pages with the Chrome Developer Tools. It allows you to inspect the display hierarchy, check layout and style, preview subtitles, and more. Everything can be done directly from the mobile device. Works with most Android apps.

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Download Developer Assistant for free

Download Developer Assistant for Android

Download Developer Assistant for Android, a powerful debugging app for Android. Developer Assistant makes debugging native Android apps as simple as debugging web pages with the Chrome Developer Tools. It allows you to inspect the display hierarchy, check layout and style, preview subtitles, and more. Everything can be done directly from the mobile device. Works with most Android apps.

Developer Assistant uses a combination of formal APIs and sophisticated inferential methods to display more at runtime than is possible for other tools. It is designed to increase the productivity of professionals such as developers, testers, designers and seasoned users in their daily geek tasks.

Developer Assistant is... right, the assistant app, you can call it up at any time with a simple gesture like long pressing the home button.


Developer Assistant can scan Android apps based on the official Android SDK. It is also compatible with web applications and websites offered by the Google Chrome web browser. Compatibility with other types of applications may be limited.

Keep calm and privacy

Developer Assistant does not require root or any specific requirements. Respect system security and user privacy. All data collected from the screen is processed locally (offline). Apps and shows that have been advertised as safe are respected, and even Developer Assistant can't access their content. Android assistive apps can access screen data only after it has been manually invoked by the user.

What you get for free

30-day trial of the most advanced assistant app for Android developers, testers, designers, and power users. After this period, decide: Get a professional license or stick to the free support app, a little limited, but still usable.

See current activity

Developers can check the current activity class name, which is especially useful for large projects. Testers will appreciate a unified solution for accessing an app's version name, and version code along with common actions like "app info" or "uninstall".

Check the hierarchy

Testers who write automation tests and developers who check for bugs can examine the hierarchy of on-screen elements, right from the mobile device. The concept is similar to checking web pages using common development tools that come with major web browsers.

Examine display identifiers, class names, text style, or color.

✔ Preview the best matching design resources displayed next to their root views.

Check out the design

Designers, testers and developers can finally check the size and position of various elements displayed directly on the mobile device. Have you ever wondered about the exact distance between a certain button and a certain text label on a specific device? Or maybe how big is a particular element in density points? Developer Assistant provides a set of tools to help check and meet designer requirements such as pixel design or rather perfect DP design.

See context of translations

Developer Assistant gives translation offices the ability to display translation keys right next to text items on a mobile device. Translators get the most important thing to provide a high-quality translation: the context in which a particular text is used.

Translation keys are displayed next to the text items.

✔ Translations to other languages ​​can be previewed (no need to change the language of the mobile device).

✔ Minimum and maximum length between existing translations.

And more...

Developer Assistant is in development, stay tuned for upcoming new features!

✔ Example for use in a video tutorial for designers (by Design Pilot)


Debug apps Hierarchy Check Debug web pages app developer assistant