fingerprint-lock-screen Android APK

Application details In our time every smartphone user has privacy and secrets in his phone memory, whether this privacy is pictures, files or accounts on social networking sites such as Facebook and WhatsApp, that's why download the real fingerprint lock screen application for Android

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Download Fingerprint Lock Screen, the latest version for Android [FREE]

Application details

In our time every smartphone user has privacy and secrets in his phone memory, whether this privacy is pictures, files or accounts on social networking sites such as Facebook and WhatsApp, that's why download the real fingerprint lock screen application for Android

And others, where the user fears that his secrets will be discovered by him. Friends, relatives or intruders in general

Fingerprint lock screen for Android, as the latter is easy to use and protects all the things available on your smartphone, such as videos, photos, files, books, applications and all your personal information, and in order to use the lock program, the screen with the fingerprint must contain a smartphone, and eventually We leave you with the download link below for free!

Suitable for all kinds of smartphones including Samsung, Huawei, OPPO and all available in the world. The app gives you several ways to lock your phone, eliminate intruders easily, and save your photos and your privacy in general. First, you have to download it for free from our website or from another site, then go to the files on your phone and click on the download file, then you will find the program and install it, and after completing this stage, enter it and choose the lock that suits you, whether you want to lock with a fingerprint or through a secret number, then choose a lock Fingerprint and enter your password, congratulations, the operation is successful

Fingerprint lock screen features:

It is one of the most powerful anti hackers and friends who do not take advantage of phones that do not belong to them, and it has been downloaded many times. Let's get acquainted with the advantages it offers:

  • Completely free, does not require any material cost, it is inexpensive for users.
  • A great application that does not require users to pay costs.
  • It has a small footprint and does not burden the phone.
  • Suitable for all smartphones.
  • Easy and fast in its mechanism of action.
  • There are different ways to lock.
  • Safer and more secure for all your files, songs, photos...
  • Easy interface that does not require skills or experience.


Fingerprint lock for Android Protection from intruders Protection for all files For all smartphones