hue-pro-v-2-4-13-apk-paid Android APK

Application description HuePro is a new way to use the Philips Hue lighting system.

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Hue Pro V 2.4.13 APK Paid

Application description

HuePro is a new way to use the Philips Hue lighting system.

It offers all the features of the original Philips Hue Android app, such as preset lighting settings.

But it can also be used to program alarm events and clocks. When programming an event, you can set light presets to turn on (or off) at a specific time in the future!

The HuePro is designed to make using the Hue lighting system much easier and more convenient.


# Front lighting

# Dynamic lights

# Create alarms and timers.

# detect wifi

# Control your lights away from home

# Control easily

# Merge music


Hue lighting system Lighting settings Control your lights Control easily detect wifi