Magister - Leerling en Ouder Android APK


Download Magister With the Magister app, as a student and as a senior you always have a view of the latest information from your school.

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Download Magister - Leerling en Ouder for free

Download Magister With the Magister app, as a student and as a senior you always have a view of the latest information from your school.

Download Magister

Current network changes, messages and appsfire advertisements can be seen immediately. In addition, students and parents have access to items such as schedules, grades, numbers, and digital learning materials.

Download Magister

- - Overview of your grid and your recent issues homework

- Online access to your most recent data

- Push notifications received from the new or modified class

Decision on homework at school, at home or on the road

- Data is safe, reliable and up to date

- As a parent you can easily switch between children in the capital - More information and questions:

- Your school determines the jobs you see in the Magister app

- For questions that you address to the Magister of your school


Magister Leerling en Ouder Download Magister