quickshortcutmaker Android APK

Application details Facilitate the process of entering applications on the main screen of the program, and by setting it, it makes a shortcut to each application that you use frequently in your daily life

1/10 (1 Votes)

Download QuickShortcutMaker latest version for Android for free

Application details

Facilitate the process of entering applications on the main screen of the program, and by setting it, it makes a shortcut to each application that you use frequently in your daily life

And not only apps, but you can bring files, songs, etc. so that you don’t take too much time searching too, so you don’t get too tired, we will explain the app to you more in this article and we will also discuss in detail all the features and extras it contains, you will find the download link below for free .

The most characteristic of the program is its ease of use, as there are no complications or difficulties during its work, and you can make shortcuts completely freely, as there is nothing imposed on you, and you can choose the shape of the icon and write an appropriate name for that application, game, file or other special application with things Useful for all people who do not want to waste time.

Advantages :

  • Great lightness in the mechanism of the program where you will not need great skills.
  • Suitable for all phones programmed through the Android system, which has become the prevalent in the year
  • An app that helps create quick paths to use an app, game, file, etc.
  • Simple size application.
  • It is now available in a number of languages, including English.
  • No monthly fee or subscription required.


Shortcut for each app Choose the shape of the icon Suitable for all phones Shortcut files and songs