Relay for reddit (Pro) Android APK


Download Relay for reddit (Pro) for Android Relay for reddit is a fun new way to navigate the news and entertainment site Reddit. Whether you're a casual "casher", a power user, or even a moderator, Relay makes reddit fun to use.

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Download Relay for reddit (Pro) for free

Download Relay for reddit (Pro) for Android

Download Relay for reddit (Pro) for Android Relay for reddit is a fun new way to navigate the news and entertainment site Reddit. Whether you're a casual "casher", a power user, or even a moderator, Relay makes reddit fun to use.

Feedback in Relay for reddit (Pro):

• Beautiful and intuitive interface, inspired by Material Design.

• Charming animations enhance the experience.

• Links and comments are loaded at the same time. Simple swipe to switch between them.

• Online preview of images, youtube, gifs and html videos 5.

• Color-coded comments with advanced navigation: next/previous topic, word search, IAMA and much more.

• Comprehensive moderator features (marking, pinning posts, blocking users, etc.)

• A selection of themes, plus a relaxing night mode.

• Multiple accounts

• Post directly from your inbox.

• Mail notifications, modify messages and your modqueue.

• Filter out subreddits that you don't like

• Support spoilers

• Extensive customization options including font style, size, and left-hand width.

• High resolution thumbnails.

• Complete friends and search functionality.

• Rageface Emotions and MLP (via PonyMotes)


App for Reddit news website Relay for reddit Advanced navigation