Download All WiFi Router Settings for free
Set up the Wifi router
It will try to find and connect your router's IP address automatically. You do not need to specify the
manual connection by entering the IP address of the browser. View information about your network and
simply connect it to your router with good user experience. You can also quote common secret keys to
famous reputation directories in the app.
Wifi router setup can help you to setup a Wifi router or setup a LAN network without using a computer or
standard browser.
WiFi Password Manager
The number of devices currently connected to your router
Change the password change and the usual door verification
Log in to the router and LAN settings
Change the WIFI password of the internet regularly and fix the router as soon as possible
Usernames and passwords for several routing companies (login data)
Users Users who work there depend on their router settings and settings.
Discover WI-FI router gateway using different technologies to support different router ports around the world.
❑ Find your router username and password directly in the database by following your router's logo or
model, if you haven't changed it already.
Create a fast and secure password to protect the WIFI login page or the router itself.
WIFI information: IP address, physical address, network mask, WiFi password, WiFi frequency, IMEI
number, device model information, manufacturer, MAC address, netmask, IP address, network status
(hidden/visible), DNS server, time System, DNS address and gateway ( and more information.
If you have never changed your password, please try to use the username and password for our WiFi
router feature. If you change it, you will have to reset the button on the back of the WiFi router by
inserting a sharp object into the small hole with the button. WiFi router, or press and hold the Power
button for a few seconds.