ScreenOn Notification Android APK

Download ScreenOn Notification for Android, turn on the screen when you receive a notification, so you can read it on the lock screen without having to press your device's power button.

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Download ScreenOn Notification for Android

Download ScreenOn Notification for Android, turn on the screen when you receive a notification, so you can read it on the lock screen without having to press your device's power button.

Simply open the app, activate the service, grant access to notifications, then select the apps you want to launch on the screen when you receive a notification.

You can also launch the app on the screen repeatedly while the notification is active.

Widget to turn off the screen, without having to press the power button.

Also works with Samsung devices. On Samsung devices, to customize the notification style, simply tap and hold on the lock screen to set the pattern as your Android default. This way you can see the full notification without having to click on the app's notification icon.

Simply open the app, activate the service, grant access to notifications, then select the apps you want to launch on the screen when you receive a notification.

It also allows you to enable the camera flash in notifications.

This app uses device administrator permission (BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN):

This permission is required because on some devices, when the screen is locked, it may not be possible to turn it on or off after the specified timeout.

what's new

Google API update


ScreenOn Notification Notifications Activate notification Turn off the screen