VIP Notes Android APK


Download VIP Notes for Android, Remember a password for: View all other important information (accounts, passwords, PIN codes, credit card details, etc.).

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Download VIP Notes for free

Download VIP Notes for Android

Download VIP Notes for Android, Remember a password for: View all other important information (accounts, passwords, PIN codes, credit card details, etc.).

- View photos of important documents and any other appsfire files

- Edit attachments (text and html)

- Store all this encrypted in a secure vault that can't be accessed by other apps

The size of the attachments is limited only by the capabilities of your device.

VIP Notes features:

  • AES-256 encryption
  • Protect access to all notes or to each note separately
  • Fingerprint scanner
  • Automatic blocking over time
  • Widgets and shortcuts on the home screen for notes and files
  • Folders (unlimited nesting - in free version)
  • Attachments (files will be encrypted if the note is encrypted)
  • Icons for notes and folders (you can upload your own icons)
  • Color themes (have an editor)
  • Backup/restore database
  • reminder
  • Does not require internet access
  • Contains no ads

Free version limitations:

You can only create 3 folders

Only one file per row

Icon editor is disabled

- Disable upload file from SD and content provider (allowed only from camera and gallery)

Key words:

Encrypted notes, notepad, password manager, secure storage, encrypted file holder, encryption


VIP Notes encrypted notes Notepad Password manager