WhatsApp Business Android APK



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WhatsApp Business allows you to promote your business by communicating with your customers in an effective way, which helps you to develop your business and contribute to its prosperity.

If you have a personal phone number and a work phone number, you will be able to use WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business simultaneously on the same phone with two different phone numbers.

In addition to the features currently available in WhatsApp Messenger, WhatsApp Business includes the following features:

• Profile: Create a profile for your business by specifying the activity title, category, location, and information needed to contact you.

• Messaging tools: Be interactive with your customers by responding to them quickly by using the "out of business" alert feature to send an enabled message when you are not available or by using the "welcome message" to send an introductory message to your customers in your first contact with them.

Landline support: You can use a landline phone for WhatsApp Business to communicate with your customers. You only have to choose "Call me" during the activation process of your number in order for you to receive a phone call from us through which we will provide you with the activation code.

Using WhatsApp and WhatsApp for Business: You can now use both applications on one device, but each application requires the use of a different phone number from the other.

WhatsApp Web: You can respond faster to your customers' messages by using WhatsApp Web on your computer.

WhatsApp Business includes well-known features in WhatsApp Messenger, such as the ability to send media files, make WhatsApp calls locally and internationally *, use group chats, and many other features.

* Data usage charges may apply to you. Contact your service provider for more information.

Note: Once you transfer your chat logs from WhatsApp Messenger to WhatsApp Business, you will not be able to return them to WhatsApp Messenger. If you intend to return to WhatsApp Messenger, then we recommend that you transfer the backup files of your chats from your phone to your computer before you start using WhatsApp Business.