advanced uninstaller pro Windows

latest version

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2021 Each computer needs software installed to perform specific tasks like data processing, word processing, graphic design, and some other advanced tasks.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2021

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2021 Each computer needs software installed to perform specific tasks like data processing, word processing, graphic design, and some other advanced tasks. However, there are times when these programs must be removed when they are no longer needed. In this regard, the Windows operating system offers a built-in uninstall function to remove unwanted programs.

However, the downside of the built-in uninstaller is that it is not designed to improve system performance after each uninstall. Leaves traces of orphan entries in the registry and temporary files that can negatively affect system performance. Advanced Uninstaller Pro provides a solution to this problem by safely uninstalling programs, avoiding conflicts with existing programs, and improving computer performance to increase performance after each uninstall.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2021

After removing the application, the program offers options to clean activity traces, manage running services, delete temporary files, optimize the registry, and more. In addition to these functions, the program is attached to browser tools that allow the user to improve the performance of the browser and set advanced privacy and security options for Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

The user can also activate the function called Health Checker that runs a daily script to improve the performance of the computer, as well as a virus scanner to keep malware out.