cursor lock Windows

Cursor Lock The multi screen system is commonly used when playing competitive games. Players can play it on different screens and waste time getting it; It is a trick to win the game.

Cursor Lock

Cursor Lock The multi screen system is commonly used when playing competitive games. Players can play it on different screens and waste time getting it; It is a trick to win the game. This is a tool to solve this challenge. Your main task is to limit the cursor to a specific screen until it says otherwise. The simple app has an easy-to-use interface with four simple functions. You can choose to manually paste it on a specific screen or use hotkeys.

This is an essential tool for players who have multiple screens with one input device, the mouse. Solve many puzzles about this kind of game environment.

Cursor Lock

The unique feature of this app is the moment it minimizes the windows under which the function works and then stops working until it is maximized. The About option provides information about the developer, including specific dates. The default values ​​act as the setting values ​​for the manual cursor lock operation. The app now gives you all the time to focus on the game, instead of spending your time looking for the position of the cursor on the multiple screens that the game supports.