freefixer Windows


FreeFixer is a good solution for detecting and removing spyware, Trojans, and other types of unwanted malware. Threats include malware, spyware, viruses, trojans, and more. The tool checks this with a fraud setting, either through deep scans or ad hoc scans.


FreeFixer is a good solution for detecting and removing spyware, Trojans, and other types of unwanted malware. Threats include malware, spyware, viruses, trojans, and more. The tool checks this with a fraud setting, either through deep scans or ad hoc scans. Deep Scan works throughout the system and isolates any suspicious threats. In the end, you will be given a list of all threats and you will only have to remove them by clicking on the button. You can also choose to only restore items if you are sure they are not a threat to the web. The ad hoc scan only checks the essential areas of the system that could be congested.

The program will scan and search for specific sites where it can find common malware. The advantage of this tool is that only when you connect an external storage device, the tool automatically detects it and scans it before it allows you to use it. Basically, it is a security solution or preventative tool that guarantees you comprehensive protection against any threat.

Dangerous pieces of software can easily enter your computer, whether they are viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, or any other type of malware that you want from the system.

FreeFixer is a tool created to help you remove such programs. The application scans your computer, monitoring a series of sites where these types of applications usually leave traces.

It has been erased, but it allows you to select what you want to delete.

Hence, the program searches for applications that run at Windows startup, drivers, plug-ins, and browser settings, to name a few. However, FreeFixer does not spot the wrong files, so the full list of scan results is quite long.

It contains many elements that can be dangerous to your computer. However, the final decision is in your hands: you are the only one who can choose to keep or delete the files. If you choose the latter option, you must check the checkboxes next to each item, followed by clicking the "Fix" button below the menu.

Specify the full path to delete a file

FreeFixer can also create log files. From the application settings window, you can choose to display MD5 or SHA256 encoding hashes for each file.

Also, the program comes with some additional tools. File Nuker can help you remove all kinds of unwanted files from your computer. All you have to do is copy / paste the complete path into the box and hit the button. The file should disappear upon restart.

You can also check Windows system files. If the protected files are replaced or changed, the program will restore the correct version from the cache folder.

An intuitive and easy-to-use program for removing unwanted programs

Overall, Free Fixer is a great tool that can be especially useful when you want to clean your computer. Protecting your computer means protecting your privacy, so it is important to use this or similar application. The program should be easy to use for everyone, regardless of their level of experience, thanks to its intuitive design.

Trojan Delete Remove Antispyware Remove adware Remove trojan Remove spyware