ssdlife Windows


SSDlife على عكس محركات الأقراص الثابتة التقليدية ، فإن محركات الأقراص الثابتة ومحركات الأقراص المحمولة أقل حجمًا ، وتتمتع بسرعات أعلى ، وتنتج ضوضاء أقل ، وتستهلك طاقة أقل. ومع ذلك ، تتمتع أقراص SSD بعمر أقصر وقد تفقد جميع بياناتك


Unlike conventional hard drives, SSDs and flash drives are less bulky, have higher speeds, produce less noise, and consume less energy. Nevertheless, SSDs have a shorter life and you may lose all your data if you don’t regularly monitor the condition of your SSD. This utility was developed to help you analyze your SSD memory. The utility has a simple interface and when you run it, it returns a comprehensive description of the condition of your SSD.

With this tool, you can see available memory, the memory that is already in use, and the amount of time the drive has been in used including how many times the drive has been switched on. Additionally, the tool will provide you an in-depth breakdown of the writing and reading operations the drive has conducted in its lifetime or over the past few days. Moreover, the utility provides you an estimate of how long your drive will remain useful with the assumption that you will continue using it in a similar manner.

كلمات مفتاحية
اصلاح الذاكرة اصلاح SSD برنامج اصلاح الكارت مموري SSDlife برنامج