Paris Rex Android APK


Download Paris Rex REX has now become the terror of Paris. Destroy everything in its path and feed its huge appetite! Enjoy your food!

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Download Paris Rex for free

Download Paris Rex REX has now become the terror of Paris. Destroy everything in its path and feed its huge appetite! Enjoy your food!

Download Paris Rex

Long live France?! Not on the T-Rex watch! His journey through Europe is not over yet, the dinosaur in love with human flesh turns evil again. Adorned with two horns above his head, he wishes to stop for a bite to eat in the city of love. uptodown Play Paris Rex, the sequel to the crazy, wild and destructive game series in the French capital. Humans rip, smash things, and eat gas cylinders to set a spy on fire so there's no stone left in Paris. Lots of fun!

After destroying almost every city in the world, the most ferocious dinosaurs in all of games are now attacking the City of Light, Paris, the capital of France. So in Paris Rex, you always play as a great prehistoric necromancer who will attack and destroy everything in his path. Vehicles, transport, buildings and of course humans, nothing will survive your visit. You can be devoured, crushed, and even burned by breathing in the destructive flames that can emerge from the T. Rex's mouth.

Game developed by GameTornado.


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