Fooducate - Eat better. Lose weight. Get healthy. Android APK


Download Fooducate Weight loss and elimination. Eat delicious, healthy and authentic foods.

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Download Fooducate - Eat better. Lose weight. Get healthy. Free

Download Fooducate Weight loss and elimination. Eat delicious, healthy and authentic foods. Track calories, macros, and workouts. Be motivated by the most united community in the world.

Download Fooducate

Fooducate is the only app that analyzes and uptodown recommends foods based on the quality of their ingredients. No more scams from sneaky food manufacturers!

Download Fooducate

+ Meal tracking much more

+ Track your food intake and exercise

+ Follow your calorie quality
+ Follow your macros: proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Mega food database

+ Scan over 250,000 product barcodes

+ Get your personal nutritional score (A, B, C or D) for each food

+ Get healthy food suggestions based on what you check out

Best dietary advice


+ FREE weight loss tips

+ Motivation + Motivation, likes the support of the community

fooducate teaches you to eat for health!

fooducate Analyze information on product nutrition panels and ingredient lists. Scan to find things manufacturers don't want you to notice:

- Added sugars

Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame

Trans fat

- High fructose corn syrup


Controversial food colors

- OGM - OGM (Premium feature)

- Supplements and buses

- and more...

Best weight loss app

• First Prize - US Surgeon Generals Challenge App Challenge

• Featured several times on Google Play Store

• Media Prase: usatoday, Nytimes, Dr. Oz, Oz, OPRAH, WSJ, ABC, FOX, FOX. and after and after

• Recommended by doctors, dietitians, fitness instructors and your friends

Carbohydrate control

Health conditions (low cholesterol, pregnancy, ...)

Nutritional goals (unprocessed foods, vegans)

Avoid MSG, HFCs, GMOs, and other ingredients

- Gluten and other allergens free

(Note: Some personalization features require a premium account)

Integrated purchasing

Get the most out of Foosucate with these premium features:

* Pro
- Low Carb Diet

- keto

--- Paleo

---- average power

- Priority support

- No ads.

* gluten sensitivity

Gluten free diet

- Detect gluten and allergies in your food

- Choose free alternatives against allergies

Includes gluten, milk, lactose, soy, peanuts, eggs, fish and shellfish

- Priority support.


- 10 day daily plan to help you get started with weight loss

* Pet food

- Choose the healthiest food for your dog and cat


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