The Gluten Free Scanner · FULL Android APK

Application details Search by product name, brand or category in the entire database: 500,000+ products (80,000 gluten-free)

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Download The Gluten Free Scanner FULL for free

Application details

Search by product name, brand or category in the entire database: 500,000+ products (80,000 gluten-free)

The Discover Gluten option is a great way to discover new gluten-free favorites!

Dinner card / travel cards, safe dining in local and foreign restaurants

Searchable list of safe/unsafe components

Unlimited scanning

Gluten intolerance is frustrating enough. The gluten-free scanner works simple and fast, using your phone's camera to scan barcodes that are already on the products you buy.

We maintain the largest database of food and beverage products in the United States up to date to detect the presence of gluten. Over 500,000 products growing. A team of registered dietitians, dietitians and researchers are responsible for the accuracy of our database.

Each scan is analyzed at four levels to provide more information and protection. This enables you to make an informed decision about trying the product.

** User Comment **

Comment by Elizabeth Kendall: "Best app I've found for a GF. So handy when shopping!"

Comment by Deborah Hurd: "A family member was recently diagnosed with celiac disease and this app saved a life"

"Perfect application. Scans are very fast. Large window so you don't have to align small bars"

"Very easy to use and useful. I use this app to check products while grocery shopping and find it as an invaluable resource"

Note: Gluten-free scanners are only available in the United States.


Discover gluten-free products Very easy when shopping Simple and fast