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Snapchat SCOthman iPhone

for Iphone


The description of Snapchat SCOthman iPhone

If you're a Snapchat user, you won't need us to explain to you how it works: it's a messaging app the messages of which are called snaps or stories which you can send to your contacts and that are automatically destroyed after a certain amount of time. This is its main claim and also its main limitation because we can't store those snaps beyond the time allowed. So how can we keep those messages we're really interested in and skip this bothersome restriction? There are different apps that allow us to do so although we warn you that you'll probably have to infringe a few intellectual property rights while you're at it, always under your own responsibility.

Snapchat SCOthman is a hacked version of Snapchat that allows you to precisely do that: save in your iPhone's camera roll as many snaps as you want. It also comes along with other functions but if you've arrived at this description that's because that's the feature you're looking for. It's not the first app to leapfrog this restriction but it's one of the very few alternatives available for iOS.

Other functions of Snapchat SCOthman

  • View the snaps sent by your contacts without marking them as read.
  • Access stories without letting your friends know... a true incognito mode for Snapchat.
  • Save chat conversations without any trouble.
  • Get rid of the Discover section if you're not interested in what it's offering.
  • Upload photos and videos straight from your camera roll.
  • Hide your location so nobody knows where you are.
  • Disable the possibility of other people taking screenshots of your posts.
  • Edit images before sharing them and make most of all the customized filters.

The only drawback is that you need to jailbreak your iPhone to able to install the app, with all the problems that that entails. If you're willing to run the risk, or if you're phone already has a jailbreak and you simply want to nos around Snapchat without anyone knowing, Snapchat SCOthman is the perfect app for you.

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Publish Date: 20-03-2020

App uploaded by: Snapchat SCOthman iPhone

Latest Version:


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